The Digital Main Street program in North Grenville consist of trained specialists who meet with brick-and-mortar small businesses at no cost to help them complete an online assessment and introduce them to online training modules to build their knowledge and skills. These experts can also assist businesses with developing their Digital Transformation Plan (DTP) and applying for a one-time $2,500 grant (DTG) to implement it. UPDATE: While the Digital Transformation Grant intake has closed – if you had previously started your grant application and did not submit in time, the application has been re-opened and you will be able to submit until 11/30/2023.
The DSS can also provide information on the Canadian Digital Adoption Program ($2,400 grant), and ShopHERE program, if applicable, to assist with digital storefront setup and e-commerce.
North Grenville DSS Contact Information:
Current Grant Opportunities
Canadian Digital Adoption Program
Deadline: Ongoing
Eligible: Applications can only be submitted by a small business that meets all of the following criteria:
- Is a for-profit business (including for-profit social enterprises and co-operatives)
- Is a registered or incorporated business
- Is a consumer-facing business
- Can be accessed by consumers or provides in-person services to consumers
- Has at least one employee or $30,000 in revenue in the most recent calendar year
Amount: Eligible businesses will receive a micro-grant of up to $2,400 to help with the costs related to adopting e-commerce and supported by a network of e-commerce advisors.
Where to Apply?
Digital Transformation Grant – CLOSED (9/30/2023)
Deadline: September 2023
Eligible: Open to small businesses registered in Ontario with a brick-and-mortar location and 1-50 employees.
Amount: $2,500 grant to assist with technology adaptation, including training and advisory support
Visit the Digital Main Street Portal for more information and to apply
UPDATE: While the Digital Transformation Grant intake has closed (Sept 2023) limited grant funding is still available. If you had previously started your grant application and did not submit in time, the application has been re-opened and you will be able to submit until 11/30/2023.