Old Town Kemptville BIA

BIA Spring Update 2024

About Last Night

Last night (Thursday March 7th) was a very special night. Not only was it the annual International Women’s Day event organized by the fine ladies at Leeds Grenville Small Business, but it was also special because of the award and who it was presented to at the event.

Community builder, volunteer, entrepreneur and all around amazing human being Connie Lamble of The Law Office of Connie Lamble, Barrister & Solicitor received the Lifetime Achievement Award for all of Leeds and Grenville Counties.

For those of you who know Connie, you completely understand why she received this prestigious award. She has not only been a very successful small business owner for years but has quietly and without fanfare helped countless individuals and local community organizations (including the Old Town Kemptville BIA). Her willingness to do whatever help she can for all who ask and her ongoing support of many local community events has set a considerable standard for others to follow.

On behalf of the Old Town Kemptville BIA including all of its members, volunteers, downtown employees and partners we want to congratulate Connie on winning this award. We couldn’t think of a more deserving person to honour in this way and we consider ourselves fortunate to be able to work so closely with Connie.

My Main Street Madness

There was a flurry of activity throughout the North Grenville business community this past week as news spread quickly of a federal funding program called My Main Street. With little notice of the launch of the program, municipal, Chamber of Commerce and BIA staff scrambled to try and find out more details about the program, who is eligible and the application process.

The Business Sustainability stream of the program was designed to provide up to $20,000 in non-repayable financial support for small, independent, bricks & mortar businesses that were situated along commercial main streets. Early indicators from those who hosted virtual information sessions on the program were that the applications were coming in fast and furious and that if a qualified business wanted to apply it was in their best interests to apply as soon as possible even though application deadline was March 31st.

The Buskers Are Coming!

The Kemptville Buskerfest is quietly sneaking up on us. The event date is set for Saturday May 18th in the friendly confines of Downtown Kemptville. The volunteers of the organizing committee have been working feverishly for a few months now in order to create the best possible experience for this free community event.

This past week, the committee opened up the Buskerfest website to allow people to apply to become vendors and volunteers. If you have a few hours to spare to volunteer or if you’re a maker, grower, crafter or artisan and would like to be a vendor in our Vendor Showcase, go to www.kemptvillebuskerfest.ca and apply today. Watch for more exciting news coming soon as we have all sorts of announcements to make including who our lineup of performers will be this year.