Old Town Kemptville BIA

Location: North Grenville Historical Society

Date of Meeting: Monday January 16th, 2023. Time of Meeting: 7:00pm.

Present: John Barclay, Meagan Cumming, Dave Leger, Courtney Vezina and Deron (staff).
Absent: Anne Walsh.

Guests: Matt Gilmer and Donna Gould.

Call to Order at: 7:01pm
Reading of Land Acknowledgement: “The Old Town Kemptville BIA acknowledges that the BIA operates on the unceded, and un-surrendered territory of the Anishnabek. We also honour the historic relationship of the Haudenosaunee and Huron-Wendat peoples to this land.

We recognize all First Nations, Métis, and Inuit who now call North Grenville their home. We respect and support the need for cultivating a strong relationship with all Indigenous peoples and we look forward to continuing this conversation and fostering the path towards reconciliation.”

Assignment of Recording Secretary: Deron.
Review of Board of Management meeting agenda of: January 16, 2023. Done.
Motion to approve agenda as amended: Moved by John, seconded by Courtney. Carried. Disclosure of interest: None.
Review of Executive Committee Notes: None.
Review of the Board of Management Meeting minutes of October 24, 2022. Done. Motion to approve minutes: Moved by Dave, seconded by Courtney. Carried.
Note: unless otherwise stated in these minutes, all motions to accept or approve were unanimously supported.

Opening Statements

• None. Deputations • None.


Adding more directors to the Board.
o Deferred to end of meeting to allow for a closed session.

Electing directors to executive positions.
o Defer to next meeting once more directors have been potentially appointed.

Deciding on regular meeting dates.
o Defer to next meeting once more directors have been potentially added.

2023 BIA Budget.

o Discussed, but no decision until more directors have been added. Deferred to next meeting.
o Deron explained the increase requested to the levy and the amount in the grants section of the proposed budget as relates to the Municipal Budget Request.

2023 Municipal budget request.

o Deron explained the need to submit this item before the Board was able to review it due to deadline. Deferred for further review to the next meeting.

2023 BIA workplan.
o Workplan was not provided in advance, so this item was deferred to nextmeeting.


Municipal Report – Matt Gilmer.

o Economic Development news relevant to the BIA.
o Finalizing Economic Development Strategy with one more stakeholder meeting with BIA.
o New municipal website has been launched. Invest NG website has been joined to main municipal website as well as tourism and LoveNG websites.
o New lights for light poles will be installed once Christmas decorations are removed.
o Community Design Plan for downtown will be included in 2023 planning budget. o Parking study for downtown will be included in 2023 budget.
o Deputy Mayor Barclay is personally working on a report on parking that he agreed to share with the Board before presenting.
o Waterfront Access Strategy will be part of 2023 budget and will consider our local waterway.
o Municipal Downtown Revitalization Strategy will be bumped until 2024.

Financial Report & External Funding Applications Update – None.

Programming & Marketing Committee Report – Given.

Executive Director’s Report – Deron Johnston.

o Celtic Golf Centre is performing quite well and drawing lots of traffic to downtown. o Evolution Games and Trading Cards is not open yet as they are waiting for more inventory before opening.
o Proposed residential development for former Kemptville Public School site is a hot topic of conversation and getting lots of media attention. Will continue to monitor situation. Project represents potential increased foot traffic for local businesses but also could create potential problems with significant increase in vehicle traffic and increased need for parking.

Other Business Arising From Discussion None.
Period For Questions From Members, Public and Media

• Comment from Donna Gould regarding need for North Grenville Historical Society to be on list of downtown businesses.

Summary of Actionable Items

• None. Closed Session

Motion: To move into a closed session to discuss adding named individuals to the Board.Moved by John B, seconded by Meagan, carried.
o Sierra Jones Martel and Shelley Mitchell have both personally expressed theirinterest in becoming members of the Board. Both have previous experience in beingpart of the Board.

Motion: To come out of closed session at 8:20pm. Moved by John, seconded by Courtney.Carried.New Business

Motion: To accept the resignation of Anne Walsh from the Board. Moved by John, seconded by Dave. Carried.

Motion: To recommend to Council that Sierra Jones-Martel and Shelley Mitchell be appointed to the BIA Board of Management. Moved by John, seconded by Dave. Carried.

Close of Meeting: Meeting closed at: 8:28pm.
Motion to close: Moved by John, seconded by Meagan. Carried.

Next Meeting: Monday January 30, 2023 at 6pm.