Old Town Kemptville BIA Board of Management Meeting Status: In-person
Location: North Grenville Public Library
Date and Time of Meeting: March 27th, 2023 at 7:00pm.
Reminder: All Board Meetings are conducted by the Chair. All Board Directors and staff are expected to raise their hand if they wish to comment or ask a question on an agenda item. The Chair has sole discretion on whether to allow someone to speak. Any BIA members, members of the public or media who have questions or wish to make a comment on an agenda item may only speak if invited to by the Chair or only during the section of the agenda marked “Period For Questions From Members, Public and Media”.
Present: Shelley, Dave, Sierra, John, Courtney, Deron (staff) Absent:
Regrets: Meagan
Call to Order at: 7:10pm
Any guests
Reading of Land Acknowledgement: “We begin this meeting by acknowledging that we are meeting on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee and Huron Wendat First Peoples. We do so respecting both the land and the Indigenous people who continue to walk with us through this world. We are grateful for the opportunity to gather here.
In recognition of the contributions and importance of all Indigenous Peoples, we strongly support Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action in our nation and commit to support local endeavors where possible.”
Assignment of Recording Secretary: Shelley
Review of agenda for meeting of March 27, 2023.
Motion to approve agenda for March 27, 2023. Moved by John, seconded by Sierra . Review of minutes for meeting of February 27, 2023.
Motion to approve minutes for January 30 and February 6, 2023. Moved by , seconded by .
Motion: Move to approve the amended minutes Moved by John, seconded by Dave. Carried.
Review of Executive Committee Minutes. Done
Note: unless otherwise stated in these minutes, all motions to accept or approve were unanimously supported.
Disclosure of interest: None Opening Statements Deputations
• Municipal Budget Request.
– The final budget request was $65,000 and $40,000 was approved. $25,000 was earmarked for Buskerfest and $15,000 was earmarked for a strategic plan for theBIA.
Discussion on the reserve of the BIA.
o Recommendation from the executive committee:
▪ To create a BIA Reserve Policy which sets a minimum balance in thereserve of $19,000 and a maximum balance of $38,000 which represents three months and six months’ worth of operating expenses for the BIA in the event of an emergency or financial disruption.
▪ Motion: to set a minimum balance in the reserve of $19,000 and a maximum balance of $38,000 which represents
Moved by John, seconded by Shelley. Carried.
Approval of 2023 Old Town Kemptville BIA Budget.
Motion: To add $40,000 to the grants sections, $25,000 to the programming section and to add $15,000 to Professional and Consulting fees to acknowledge the Municipal grant and to add the approximate annual reserve to the budget. Moved by John, Seconded by, Courtney. Carried
Motion: To approve the amended BIA Budget Moved by Shelley, Seconded by Sierra. Carried
Approval of 2023 Kemptville Buskerfest Budget.
Motion: To approve the 2023 Kemptville Buskerfest budget as presented. Moved by Sierra, Seconded Dave. Carried
• Creation of a Strategic Plan for the BIA.
– Deferred to next meeting to discuss scope of work.
Speakers are encouraged to be respectful of everyone’s time by being brief, concise and to remain focused on the topic.
Municipal Report – Matt Gilmer and Deputy Mayor Barclay.
o Economic Development news relevant to the BIA and downtown.
– Megan McDonald has been hired as the new Digital Service Squad Member o Replacement of directional signage.
– Board would like to see wording changed from Old Town Kemptville to Downtown Kemptville on signage.
Financial Report – Sierra.
Programming & Marketing Committee Report – Shelley.- Given
Executive Director’s Report – Deron.- Given
Other Business Arising From Discussion
Parking study participation from business owners: to be discussed at next meeting.Period For Questions From Members, Public and MediaReminder: Individual Board Directors are reminded that they do not speak for the Board or the BIA and should not be making any statements or claims on behalf of the BIA or the Board. Only the Chair, Vice Chair and Executive Director are authorized to speak on behalf of the BIA and the Board as per the BIA’s Governance.Summary of Actionable ItemsReminder: Individual Board Directors are not permitted to provide direction or make requests of fellow Board Members, volunteers or staff. Providing direction or making requests to carry out some type of action or task are authorized only by the Board as a whole through collective decision-making or by the Chair.
Closed Session
Close of Meeting Meeting closed at: 9:08
Motion to close: . Moved by Sierra , seconded by Shelley . Carried.
Next Meeting: April 17, 2023 at 7pm.